Sentia Spirits

Drinking frequently serves as a defining moment for these kinds of connections, which are at the core of what it means to be human.

Can you describe the feeling you get when your first drink hits that sweet spot, where conversations get more expansive and connections become more profound?

SENTIA was designed to seize that moment and give you the ability to hold it in your hands. The new generation of drinks that make you feel good, intended for those who drink with consciousness, is coming together.

It is neither alcohol nor alcohol-free, but rather a fantastic tasting, effective, alcohol substitute that is meant for sophisticated hedonists who are gathering together to savour the moment. It is everything that we want from alcohol, but it does not include alcohol.


SENTIA Drinks offer a revolutionary way to enjoy a good glass of spirits. With a concoction of complex botanicals and a rich sensory experience, discerning drinkers can now enjoy the perfect serve without the negative effects of alcohol. Whether you’re looking for connection and harmony, or simply enjoy the experience of sipping a good drink, SENTIA has got you covered. The science behind it all is nothing short of cutting-edge, meaning that you can discover a ‘third way’ beyond ‘alcohol’ and ‘not alcohol’. So why not raise a glass of SENTIA and hit your sweet spot without worrying about any hangovers?


SENTIA Red is a truly luxurious and indulgent liquid, crafted with only the finest all-natural botanical ingredients. From the moment you first open the bottle, you’ll be hit with a heady, decadent aroma that blends sweet and herbal notes to perfection. As you take your first sip, you’ll be struck by the complex, rich flavors that dance across your palate – bittersweet, spiced berries that are perfectly balanced to create a taste sensation that is truly unforgettable. Whether you enjoy it neat, over ice, or as a key ingredient in your favorite cocktail, SENTIA Red is a drink that is sure to leave a lasting impression.


Do you find yourself struggling to maintain focus and energy throughout the day? Look no further than SENTIA Black, a complex blend of flavours designed to revive your senses and boost your mood. Packed with powerful antioxidants, this stimulating beverage features spiced pepper warmth and a smooth, smoky finish for a truly indulgent experience. With its rich, full-bodied taste and potent GABA-stimulating properties, SENTIA Black is the perfect pick-me-up for any time of day. So why settle for bland, uninspiring drinks when you can enjoy the bold, invigorating flavour of SENTIA Black?

SENTIA Red 50cl & Black 50cl

SENTIA Red 50cl & Black 50cl are the perfect two-drink ‘sweet spot’ that discerning drinkers have been searching for. If you want to elevate your mind without any of the downsides, then SENTIA is the revolutionary formula that you need to try. It harnesses the power of your brain’s GABA levels to give you a sense of tranquillity and ease that you won’t find with any other drink. SENTIA’s blend of ingredients is expertly crafted to create the perfect balance of potency, taste, and absorption, resulting in a remarkable experience that is truly satisfying. Whether you’re looking for relaxation and intimate moments with SENTIA Red, or engaging conversations and party starters with SENTIA Black, their drinks have been designed to give you the ultimate fusion of science and pleasure.


Sentia is a unique taste experience, one that is sure to leave you pleasantly surprised. The aroma alone is distinctly heady, with sweet and spiced floral notes that instantly captivate your senses. But the real adventure begins with the first sip, as you’re taken on an unexpectedly complex journey that lingers long after the last drop. The taste profile is truly one of a kind, with a range of flavors that keep you on your toes, always guessing but always satisfied. And when you finally reach the finish, it’s a bold, sumptuous, bittersweet finale that brings it all together. It’s hard to put into words, but once you taste Sentia for yourself, you’ll understand why it’s so special.


If you’re looking for a drink that will get you buzzed or drunk, then SENTIA is not the drink for you. SENTIA does not contain any alcohol, which means you won’t experience any of the effects of drinking alcohol like being drunk or having a hangover. SENTIA is a non-alcoholic beverage that contains adaptogens, which are natural herbs that help support the body’s natural response to stress. So, if you’re looking for a drink that can help you relax without the negative side effects of alcohol, then SENTIA might be the perfect choice for you.

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